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  • Published: 31 December 1977
  • ISBN: 9780141920320
  • Imprint: Penguin eBooks
  • Format: EBook
  • Pages: 336

Selected Political Speeches

A collection of political speeches from the greatest orator of Rome

Amid the corruption and power struggles of the collapse of the Roman Republic, Cicero (106-43BC) produced some of the most stirring and eloquent speeches in history. A statesman and lawyer, he was one of the only outsiders to penetrate the aristocratic circles that controlled the Roman state, and became renowned for his speaking to the Assembly, Senate and courtrooms. Whether fighting corruption, quashing the Catiline conspiracy, defending the poet Archias or railing against Mark Antony in the Philippics - the magnificent arguments in defence of liberty which led to his banishment and death - Cicero's speeches are oratory masterpieces, vividly evocative of the cut and thrust of Roman political life.

  • Published: 31 December 1977
  • ISBN: 9780141920320
  • Imprint: Penguin eBooks
  • Format: EBook
  • Pages: 336

Other books in the series

The Black Tulip
The Lady of the Camellias
On Sparta