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David Bach is the author of the national bestsellers Smart Women Finish Rich, Smart Couples Finish Rich, and the Finish Rich Workbook, and of the recently released 1001 Financial Words You Need to Know. The host of his own PBS special, 'Smart Women Finish Rich,' he is an internationally recognized financial expert, author, and educator. David Bach is the creator of the FinishRich book and seminar series, which highlights his quick and easy-to-use financial strategies and from which millions of people have benefited. In just the last few years, nearly a half million people have attended his Smart Women Finish Rich and Smart Couples Finish Rich seminars, which have been taught throughout North America by thousands of financial advisors in more than 1,500 cities. Each month, through these seminars, men and women learn firsthand how to take smart financial action to live a life in line with their values.

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