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  • Published: 13 October 2011
  • ISBN: 9781446417645
  • Imprint: BBC Digital
  • Format: App
  • Pages: 1
  • RRP: $4.99

Doctor Who Encyclopedia (New Edition)

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The fully revised and updated Doctor Who Encyclopedia, covering every episode from 2005 to present

River Song still a riddle? Stumped by the stolen planets in the Medusa Cascade? Forgotten what happened in the Timelines That Never Happened? Look no further...

Completely revised and updated, this is the ultimate guide to everything and everyone that's ever happened, un-happened and happened again in the worlds and times of the Doctor. The Doctor Who Encyclopedia now covers the Eleventh Doctor's first two seasons, plus every Ninth and Tenth Doctor story, and is packed with photographs and artwork from seven stunning years of adventures - including the charity specials, animated adventures, online Adventure Games, TARDISodes and preludes. This is your complete tour of time and space - from Abaddon and Inspector Abberline to Melody Zucker and the Zygons.

Now available in the iTunes store!

  • Published: 13 October 2011
  • ISBN: 9781446417645
  • Imprint: BBC Digital
  • Format: App
  • Pages: 1
  • RRP: $4.99

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About the author

Gary Russell

Gary Russell was one of the script editing team for Doctor Who, Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures, and is the author of many novels and reference books in the Doctor Who range. A former editor of Doctor Who Magazine, he also was the producer of Doctor Who audio dramas for Big Finish Productions for eight years. He lives in Cardiff.

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Praise for Doctor Who Encyclopedia (New Edition)

Gary Russell has done an insane amount of work to bring all this together and for that he deserves the thanks of every parent whose bright nine-year-old wants the answer to specific Who-related questions

SciFi Bulletin

Lavishly illustrated with photographs and artwork, this is the definition of ‘in-depth’. There is nothing left out.

Bolton News
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