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Jack Reacher books

Books » Series » Jack Reacher books

Jack Reacher is a brutal ex-military officer with a thirst for justice. A drop-out renegade crusader, he roams the country investigating suspicious and often dangerous situations.

Have you already binged the Jack Reacher TV series and still want more? Find out what happens next...


Out October 2023

The Secret

Jack Reacher, \"the coolest continuing series character\" (Stephen King), returns in a brand new, pulse-pounding read from Lee and Andrew Child.

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An introduction to Lee Child’s vigilante hero.

With more than 20 books in Lee Child's highly successful Jack Reacher series, it might seem a daunting prospect to come in late. But do you necessarily have to start at the beginning? Which book is the first one? And which books fit together? We’re here to help bring some clarity…

We are first introduced to Jack Reacher in Killing Floor. He’s a loner who used to be in the military, dangerous and unattainable, and the series follows his exploits all across America and occasionally into other countries.

While the first book is so good that it seems a shame to start anywhere else, this is a series you can dip into and out of at different stages, because there’s always one constant: Jack Reacher.

Read an extract

The Secret

Keith Bridgeman was alone in his room when he closed his eyes.

No Plan B

The meeting was held in a room with no windows.

Better off Dead

The stranger got into position under the streetlight at eleven p.m., as agreed.

The Sentinel

Rusty Rutherford emerged from his apartment on a Monday morning, exactly one week after he got fired.

Blue Moon

The city looked small on a map of America. It was just a tiny polite dot, near a red threadlike road that ran across an otherwise empty half inch of paper.

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An in-depth discussion between Lee Child and George Martin in Santa Fe, New Mexico, November 2018.

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