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Article  •  2 October 2024


25 questions with Candice Fox

To celebrate the publication of High Wire, we caught up with Candice Fox to learn more.

Crime-writing superstar Candice Fox is back with another nail-biter, High Wire

Set in the Australian outback, on an unmarked tracked called the ‘Wire’, the book follows Harvey Buck, a desperate man racing to be with his dying girlfriend, and Clare Holland, a traveller with a broken-down car who gets a ride with him.

Before long, however, they’re ambushed by a vengeful crew and strapped into bomb vests. The pair must complete increasingly murderous missions on the criminals’ orders . . . or else.

To learn more about the author behind the book and get a few fun facts, we caught up with Candice Fox.

25 questions with Candice Fox

1. Describe your book in three emojis.
🔥 🚗 🔫

2. Favourite place to write?
A café. Loud café.

3. How long did it take you to write?
Six months or less.

4. Handwriting or typing?

5. Planning or freestyle?
Plan for a while, then freestyle.

6. Favourite character to write?
Edna. Edna just doesn’t care.

7. Nicest thing someone has said about High Wire so far?
That they forgot to pick their kids up from daycare while reading it.

8. First fan?
Probably my mother.

9. Outback or city setting, which do you prefer?
City setting. Dangerous city though.

10. Have you ever almost spoiled the book?
I did it on purpose to a friend of mine seeking advice. I hope she still reads it! I named a character after her.

11. Favourite book?
Frankenstein, Mary Shelley. Bad, bad parents.

12. Favourite movie?
Goodfellas. Martin Scorsese.

13. What is your coffee order?
Small cappuccino. I get too full if I have a big one.

14. Three best things about thrillers?
They’re fast, high stakes, people with grit.

15. Weirdest item used as a bookmark?
Oh, an envelope full of leaves. I used that recently.

16. Book e book or audiobook?

17. Biggest plot twist surprise in High Wire?
It involves counting backwards . . . or forwards. You’ll get it wrong. Go the other way.

18. Favourite scene to write?
The one in the farmhouse.

19. Last book you read?
Dennis Lehane, Moonlight Mile.

20. Who inspires you?
Lee Child.

21. What is your best writing advice?
If you ever have writer’s block, just kill someone.

22. Favourite fictional sleuth?
Harry Bosch.

23. What is your favourite crime novel?
Every Dead Thing by John Connolly.

24. Favourite childhood meal?
What were they called . . . chicken chips? Chicken chippies? They were like fish fingers, but chicken. And they had Kentucky fried spices.

25. Where can we find you online?
Everywhere. TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Threads. I’m just scraping around. Candicefox.org is my website.

Feature Title

High Wire
Candice Fox’s breathtaking new thriller is quite literally the bomb! A high-octane race through outback Australia.
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