The only prerequisite skill for preparing perfect 7-min eggs is a general knowledge of how to fill a pot with water.
If you can turn a few handles and levers, you’re golden. You can even cook the eggs in advance and take them with you to work – with a little bit of sea salt in a small piece of folded aluminium foil. Feel free to modify how many eggs you’re having until they keep you full for four hours. For some people it will be two eggs; for others, six.
Makes: 4 eggs
Total cook time: 7 minutes
- 4 eggs, ideally from free-range chickens
- salt and pepper
Place a small saucepan of water on a high heat and bring it to the boil. When the water is bubbling, gently lower in the eggs and cook them for 7 minutes, which should be enough to gooey-hardboil them.
Drain the water from the pan and run the eggs under a cold tap until they’re cool enough to handle.
Peel the eggs, then place them on a plate and cut them in half.
Marvel at the perfect gooeyness!
Sprinkle over some salt and pepper to season, and pick them up with your fingers to eat.