- Published: 29 May 2017
- ISBN: 9780143782087
- Imprint: Random House Australia
- Format: EBook
- Pages: 288
Year of the Orphan
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- Published: 29 May 2017
- ISBN: 9780143782087
- Imprint: Random House Australia
- Format: EBook
- Pages: 288
original, striking
George Williams, Weekend Australian
home-grown dystopia that is both haunting and vicious
Andromeda Spaceways
a believable and alarming post-apocalyptic future in the Australian outback
Andrew Nette, Australian Book Review
Definitely worth reading.
Stefen Brazulaitis, Books+Publishing
a distinctive story of bravery, resilience and self-sacrifice in a vicious, haunting future.
Ashley Kalagian Blunt, Newtown Review of Books
that must-read, high-calibre Australian sci fi/dystopian novel you’ve been waiting for.
David O'Brien, Glam Adelaide
Fans of dystopian stories will love this world.
John Affleck, Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin
insightful, engaging and thought-provoking
Gloria Demillo, Tharunka
This is a book that deserves to become an Australian classic
Mischa's Library
an excellently written debut novel, and a compelling take on the post-apocalyptic genre.
Georgia Coldebella, RMITV