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  • Published: 1 June 2021
  • ISBN: 9781761044656
  • Imprint: Penguin Random House Australia Audio
  • Format: Audio Download
  • Length: 8 hr 5 min
  • Narrator: Jeremy Stanford
  • RRP: $36.99

Why First-borns Rule the World and Later-borns Want to Change It

Revised and updated

A fully revised and updated edition of the ground-breaking national bestseller.

There are many factors affecting a child’s personality and the adult they become, but the least understood is birth order.

Why is it that children in a family can share the same gene pool, a similar socio-economic environment and experience similar parenting styles yet have fundamentally different personalities, interests and even different careers as adults? Birth order! The implications for parents, teachers and adults involved with children are many.

First published in 2003 to great acclaim, this fully revised and updated edition seeks to increase the reader’s understanding of birth order theory, including the impact of a child’s broader social environment and the rise of the standard two-child family, where the second-born is simultaneously the last-born. It will enable you to delve a little deeper and look for the constellation of positions within a family, giving you a clearer picture of your own quirks and ambitions, along with those of your siblings, children, partner, workmates, friends and colleagues.

Addressing multiple births, children with a disability, genetic engineering, blended families, gender balance, only children and birth-order balance in the workplace, parenting expert and father of three Michael Grose challenges parents to raise each child differently according to his or her birth order.

  • Published: 1 June 2021
  • ISBN: 9781761044656
  • Imprint: Penguin Random House Australia Audio
  • Format: Audio Download
  • Length: 8 hr 5 min
  • Narrator: Jeremy Stanford
  • RRP: $36.99

About the author

Michael Grose

Michael Grose is one of Australia's leading parenting and educational writers and speakers. He is the author of nine books for parents, including the best-selling Why First Borns Rule the World. Currently he supports over 1500 schools in Australia and internationally to build strong partnerships with their parent communities.

Michael was recently elevated to the PSA Speaker Hall of Fame when he won the Educator Award for Excellence. He was the first person to conduct a parenting seminar for a nation's leaders when he ventured into Parliament House, Canberra, in 2004 and addressed politicians on both sides of the political fence about how to behave so your children will too!

For more information and practical ideas on parenting visit his website: www.parentingideas.com.au.

Also by Michael Grose

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