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  • Published: 7 May 2019
  • ISBN: 9780143794950
  • Imprint: Penguin Life
  • Format: Trade Paperback
  • Pages: 320
  • RRP: $34.99

Anxious Kids

How children can turn their anxiety into resilience

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when your child suffers from anxiety, but there are many things you can do to help.

Anxious Kids offers parents a new perspective on their children’s anxiety, encouraging them to view each episode as an opportunity to empower their kids with the skills to manage anxiety, and thrive.

Bestselling parenting author Michael Grose and wellbeing expert Dr Jodi Richardson explain why more children than ever before experience anxiety. In plain language that can be shared with children, they outline the origins and biology of anxiety to make sense of it – key knowledge such as why it happens, the flood of physical symptoms that comes with it, how to calm it down and why each strategy works.

Grose and Richardson also give advice on a range of important steps parents can take to develop emotional intelligence, tolerance of discomfort, mindfulness, resilience, thinking skills and flourishing mental health. In so doing, parents can reduce the impact of anxiety, enabling children of all ages to live their lives in full colour.

  • Published: 7 May 2019
  • ISBN: 9780143794950
  • Imprint: Penguin Life
  • Format: Trade Paperback
  • Pages: 320
  • RRP: $34.99

About the authors

Michael Grose

Michael Grose is one of Australia's leading parenting and educational writers and speakers. He is the author of nine books for parents, including the best-selling Why First Borns Rule the World. Currently he supports over 1500 schools in Australia and internationally to build strong partnerships with their parent communities.

Michael was recently elevated to the PSA Speaker Hall of Fame when he won the Educator Award for Excellence. He was the first person to conduct a parenting seminar for a nation's leaders when he ventured into Parliament House, Canberra, in 2004 and addressed politicians on both sides of the political fence about how to behave so your children will too!

For more information and practical ideas on parenting visit his website: www.parentingideas.com.au.

Jodi Richardson

Dr Jodi Richardson is an expert on anxiety having lived it and studied it. She has spent more than 25 years in the field of health, wellbeing, clinical practice, elite sport and education. She is the founder and director of Happier on Purpose, the Mental Health and Wellbeing expert for Parenting Ideas and co-creator of the Parenting Anxious Kids online course. She writes regularly on parenting, mental health and wellbeing for magazine and online publications.

Discover more

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Anxious Kids coauthor Dr Jodi Richardson on how parents can help their kids manage COVID-19 anxiety.

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From Anxious Kids, some breathing exercise and tips for you and your kids.

Living with anxiety

Anxious Kids co-author Dr Jodi Richardson is an expert on anxiety, having lived it and studied it. Here she takes us through her personal journey with anxiety and some essential management tools.

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