- Published: 28 September 2021
- ISBN: 9781761046339
- Imprint: Penguin Random House Australia Audio
- Format: Audio Download
- Length: 11 hr 5 min
- Narrator: Hazem Shammas
- RRP: $36.99
- Published: 28 September 2021
- ISBN: 9781761046339
- Imprint: Penguin Random House Australia Audio
- Format: Audio Download
- Length: 11 hr 5 min
- Narrator: Hazem Shammas
- RRP: $36.99
I have never read anything more insightful about the climate crisis and what we must do to address it.
Peter Boyer, Hobart Mercury
Raging fires, political evasion - this is a compelling call to action.
The Australian
Greg Mullins is probably the most experienced and knowledgeable firefighter in the country. In Firestorm he gives graphic accounts of what it is like to be in the front line against some of the fiercest blazes in our history, while demanding that politicians, councils and urban planners work with a new and far more inflammable world. Mullins doesn’t pull his punches when it comes to the people he holds responsible for the worst of what was to happen in 2019/20. His case is compelling, his expertise impossible to ignore.
Sydney Morning Herald/Age
Greg Mullins’s account of the Black Summer in Firestorm is significant and timely . . . While Morrison holidayed in Hawaii, Mullins put his body on the line to save property and lives. He is compassionate, learned and practical, serves the national interest and recognises the dire threat of climate change. He does hold a hose, mate, and that’s why his account of Black Summer has particular interest . . . Greg Mullins gives a personal, thoughtful, harrowing account of his work at the myriad fire fronts throughout the Black Summer . . . And at the heart of the book is a calm, reasonable and utterly scathing account of the federal government’s failures before, during and after Black Summer.
Tom Griffiths, Inside Story