George Megalogenis
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George Megalogenis has written three previous Quarterly Essays. His book The Australian Moment won the 2013 Prime Minister's Literary Award for Non-fiction and the 2012 Walkley Award for Non-fiction. He is also the author of Faultlines, The Longest Decade, Australia's Second Chance and The Football Solution.
Books by George Megalogenis
In a characteristically sweeping and entertaining story, George Megalogenis reveals how football has been shaped by the nation that invented it and how the game we love, in turn, might help resolve Australia’s political impasse.
How Australia was already made great again, and how we can remain so in the Time of Trump.
With new material reflecting on the changed state of the nation, this edition of the Walkley Award–winning The Australian Moment by George Megalogenis, one of our most respected journalists, will coincide with the TV series based on the book, Making Australia Great.
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Find out which Penguin Random House authors will be attending writers festivals in Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney this May.
George Megalogenis reveals a little something democracy could learn from sport.