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Ranger's Apprentice: The Royal Ranger

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Ranger's Apprentice: The Royal Ranger

A ranger's work is never done. Join Will and Maddie on the next series of adventures, following on from the original Ranger's Apprentice series by master storyteller John Flanagan.

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Series recap

Ranger's Apprentice The Royal Ranger 5: Escape from Falaise by John Flanagan | Series recap

Buy now: https://www.penguin.com.au/books/rangers-apprentice-the-royal-ranger-5-escape-from-falaise-9781760890476 The stakes have never been higher for the Rangers of Araluen in the New York Times bestselling series.

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Ranger's Apprentice The Royal Ranger 5: Escape from Falaise

‘Tie them up,’ Baron Lassigny ordered. ‘They’re under arrest.’

John Flanagan FAQs

The Ranger’s Apprentice and Brotherband author answers fan questions.

Ranger's Apprentice The Royal Ranger 4: The Missing Prince by John Flanagan | Book Trailer

Buy now: https://www.penguin.com.au/books/rangers-apprentice-the-royal-ranger-4-the-missing-prince-9781760890452 The New York Times bestselling series continues with another nailbiting mission for Will Treaty and his fearless young apprentice.

John Flanagan writing tips

Tips for budding writers from the bestselling Ranger’s Apprentice author.

Ranger's Apprentice The Royal Ranger 4: The Missing Prince

The sickle moon had just slipped below the western horizon when the file of mounted men emerged from the trees.

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