- Published: 3 April 2014
- ISBN: 9781448161263
- Imprint: Vintage Digital
- Format: EBook
- Pages: 336
Speedy Death
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- Published: 3 April 2014
- ISBN: 9781448161263
- Imprint: Vintage Digital
- Format: EBook
- Pages: 336
She is one of the Big Three women detective writers
Begins like a parody of a country house murder. But you soon see that the author means the jokes, and also develops both a tricky mystery and a quite solid argument about crime and its disruption of society. Then she brings it all to a head in a very remarkable conclusion. From the start, Mitchell was outstanding.
Glasgow Herald
A crime writer who, in her day, ranked with Christie and Sayers
Daily Mail
Extremely well constructed story of murder and detection...Mrs Bradley is the prize piece
Daily News
Gladys Mitchell can always be relied upon for a packed and meaty novel, and an intelligent one at that
Mrs Bradley is full of surprises. Ugly she may be, but dull, never
Barry Turner, Daily Mail
Shrewd, intelligent, interesting, and really rather funny
Kirsty Hewitt, Nudge