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- Published: 16 July 2019
- ISBN: 9781760891381
- Imprint: Penguin Random House Australia Audio
- Format: Audio Download
- Length: 7 hr 30 min
- Narrator: Jono Lineen
- RRP: $27.99
Perfect Motion
How walking makes us wiser
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- Published: 16 July 2019
- ISBN: 9781760891381
- Imprint: Penguin Random House Australia Audio
- Format: Audio Download
- Length: 7 hr 30 min
- Narrator: Jono Lineen
- RRP: $27.99
To read Perfect Motion is like taking a rambling walk along a picturesque path. Lineen . . . has lived an extraordinary life, and each page brings new discoveries and fresh anecdotes . . . Ultimately, Lineen’s book is a love letter to the art of walking, and to the ‘thousands of generations of bipedal motion’ that make it a natural part of our existence.
Andrew Leigh, Sydney Morning Herald
The most surprising aspect is the quality of the prose. Lineen has a lyricist's approach . . . as stirring as the most beautiful poetry.
Drew Turney, Cosmos