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  • Published: 11 December 2022
  • ISBN: 9781598537222
  • Imprint: Library of America
  • Format: Hardback
  • Pages: 969
  • RRP: $79.99

Frederick Douglass: Speeches & Writings (LOA #358)

Library of America presents the biggest, most comprehensive trade edition of Frederick Douglass's writings ever published

Library of America presents the biggest, most comprehensive trade edition of Frederick Douglass's writings ever published

Edited by Pulitzer Prize–winning biographer David W. Blight, this Library of America edition is the largest single-volume selection of Frederick Douglass’s writings ever published, presenting the full texts of thirty-four speeches and sixty-seven pieces of journalism. (A companion Library of America volume, Frederick Douglass: Autobiographies, gathers his three memoirs.) With startling immediacy, these writings chart the evolution of Douglass’s thinking about slavery and the U.S. Constitution; his eventual break with William Lloyd Garrison and many other abolitionists on the crucial issue of disunion; the course of his complicated relationship with Abraham Lincoln; and his deep engagement with the cause of women’s suffrage.
Here are such powerful works as “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?,” Douglass’s incandescent jeremiad skewering the hypocrisy of the slaveholding republic; “The Claims of the Negro Ethnologically Considered,” a full-throated refutation of nineteenthcentury racial pseudoscience; “Is it Right and Wise to Kill a Kidnapper?,” an urgent call for forceful opposition to the Fugitive Slave Act; “How to End the War,” in which Douglass advocates, just days after the fall of Fort Sumter, for the raising of Black troops and the military destruction of slavery; “There Was a Right Side in the Late War,” Douglass’s no-holds-barred  attack on the “Lost Cause” mythology of the Confederacy; and “Lessons of the Hour,” an impassioned denunciation of lynching and disenfranchisement in the emerging Jim Crow South.
As a special feature the volume also presents Douglass’s only foray into fiction, the 1853 novella “The Heroic Slave,” about Madison Washington, leader of the real-life insurrection on board the domestic slave-trading ship Creole in 1841 that resulted in the liberation of more than a hundred enslaved people. Editorial features include detailed notes identifying Douglass’s many scriptural and cultural references, a newly revised chronology of his life and career, and an index.


  • Published: 11 December 2022
  • ISBN: 9781598537222
  • Imprint: Library of America
  • Format: Hardback
  • Pages: 969
  • RRP: $79.99

About the author


FREDERICK DOUGLASS was one of the foremost leaders
of the abolitionist movement, which fought to end slavery
within the United States in the decades prior to the Civil
War. When the American Anti-Slavery Society engaged him
on a tour of lectures, he became one of America's first great
black speakers. He won world fame with his first
FREDERICK DOUGLAS (1845). Two years later he began
publishing an antislavery paper called the North Star.
Douglass served as an adviser to President Lincoln during
the Civil War and fought for the adoption of constitutional
amendments that guaranteed voting rights and other civil
liberties for blacks. He is still revered today for his fight
against racial injustice.


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