Judy Watson is a Melbourne based illustrator, working part time from her home studio. Over nearly 15 years she has illustrated 15 children's books, many of them chapter books for young readers, including some Aussie Nibbles and Aussie Bites for Penguin Books. (Aussie Nibbles – Tim & Tig by Victor Kelleher, Aussie Nibbles – The Only Pony by David Metzenthen, Aussie Bites – Moon Station by Rachel Flynn and Aussie Bites – Rosie Staple's Minor Magical Misunderstanding by Cath Crowley). She is currently working on her first picture book, Goodnight Mice! This teams Judy up again with Frances Watts, author of the Extraordinary Ernie & Marvellous Maud series for ABC Books. Jittery Judy and Fearless Frances found they made a great team and Book One has since been named a Notable Book in the Younger Readers category of the 2009 Children's Book Council of Australia Book of the Year Awards.
Judy is also working on some new cover illustrations for the paperback editions of Emily Rodda's Fairy Realm series – a task that she is enjoying, being a great lover of book jacket design. Judy's illustrations also sometimes appear at the Melbourne Museum and in the museum members' magazine. In 2010 Judy joined the team who illustrate The School Magazine, which can make for a surprising challenge arriving each month in the letterbox. (Last month it was vampires!) Judy loves the work of other illustrators, past and present. Her small house is packed with books she has collected, although it can be tricky to keep them in order with two small boys enjoying them too. Some of Judy's all time favourite illustrators are William Steig, Edward Ardizzone, Sempé, Jean de Brunhoff, Quentin Blake, Tomi Ungerer and Valeri Gorbachev.