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sydney khoo
Photo Credit: photographer credit Kin-Mun Khoo

sydney khoo (they/them) is a nonbinary and aromantic asexual writer, born on Dharawal Country (South Western Sydney), to Malaysian Chinese parents.

They have a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a Masters in Creative Writing. Having worked at an eclectic mix of places, including a suicide prevention centre, tattoo parlour, publishing house, and medical clinic, sydney has found working in made-up worlds to be most fulfilling.

Though typically drinking bubble tea in Cabramatta, or reading fanfiction in a McDonald’s carpark, they can occasionally be found writing poetry and stories at cafés with their dog Gizmo.

Follow them on Twitter @sydneykhoo or visit sydneykhoo.com.

Books by sydney khoo

The Spider and Her Demons

Uncover an extraordinary world of demons and witches, where the ones you love can hurt you the most and hiding your true self can get you killed.

Winner of the Queensland Literary Awards, Young Adult category, shortlisted for the Readings Young Adult Prize and a finalist in the Aurealis Awards.

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