Peter Mitchell
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Peter Mitchell worked for the Department of Immigration from 1990 to 2003, as a long-term Compliance officer, later rising to Manager of the Villawood Immigration Detention Centre and manager of the Kosovar and East Timorese 'Operation Safe Haven' in 1999. Peter also has an extensive history in Sydney's rock music scene and in publishing and reviewing poetry. He is the author of self-published travel memoirs All About Shadows (Travelling in Italy, France and England), Ulysses and Penelope (Travelling in Ireland) and Forgotten Don Quixote (Travelling in Spain and Portugal).
Books by Peter Mitchell
Politicians outdo each other with tough measures to deal with asylum seekers and illegal immigrants. But someone has to look people in the eye and do the questioning, the arresting, the detaining and the deporting. For a time, that someone was Peter Mitchell.