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Annette Higgs
Photo Credit: © Nick Leary

Annette Higgs

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Annette Higgs is a writer living in Sydney, Australia. She was born and grew up in Tasmania, leaving on her 18th birthday to study literature and law at the Australian National University in Canberra. She has lived, worked and studied in Sydney, London and Italy, and holds a Doctor of Arts from the University of Sydney. A Pushcart nominee, her short work has appeared in literary journals and anthologies in Australia, the USA, the UK and India. Her novel On a Bright Hillside in Paradise won the 2022 Penguin Literary Prize.

Books by Annette Higgs

On a Bright Hillside in Paradise

From the winner of the 2022 Penguin Literary Prize.

'A jewel of a novel: luminous, vivid, and deftly shaped.'

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