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Article  •  23 August 2022


Which of the four elements of the zodiac are you?

Learn about the four elements of the zodiac and find out which one rules your personality.

If you’ve ever been interested in astrology, odds are you know your zodiac sign by now. But did you know that each of the twelve signs falls into one of the four elements?

Earth, air, fire, and water are the four elements, with each element bringing different traits to the table. Read on to find which element rules you and discover some of the personality traits associated with each, according to The Secret Language of Birthdays.

Which of the four elements of the zodiac rules you


Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Earth-sign people apprehend the world primarily through the sensation mode. Since their orientation is so decidedly empirical, they tend to judge the quality of things through their senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Tangible realities have more meaning to them than dreams and fantasies. Earth-sign people are pragmatists and workers who believe that “what you see is what you get.”


Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Air-sign people apprehend the world primarily through the thought mode. Ideas and concepts can be more real to them than tangibles. Therefore, following an ideal comes naturally to air-sign people. Because outlook and orientation are so important to them, they may trip over material barriers, but also fall into logical traps of their own making. Air-sign people are finely tuned to the world of the sense and thus can be easily irritated or upset by only minimally disturbing sounds, smells, and tastes.


Fire: Aries, Leo Sagittarius

Fire-sign people apprehend the world primarily through the intuition mode. Hunches, gambles and flying by the seat of their pants rather than by a map of all characterize this exciting and at times unstable personality. Fire-sign people do not need to be told when to act, or to read about it in a book – they know. More often than not they are guided by a sixth sense which rarely proves wrong unless they themselves doubt it. Thus, they often do better when they follow their first impulses than when they think things over too much. Worry can be particularly destructive to their positive outlook, and undermine their usually high self-confidence.


Water sign: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Water-sign people apprehend the world primarily through the feeling mode. Emotional considerations often take an overriding priority in their daily lives. Many water-sign people are highly empathic or sympathetic, and so they are hurt when others do not reciprocate. Their sensitivity to criticism and rejection is very high. Consequently, they can usually tell when someone approves or disapproves of them before a word is said.

Want more?

 Each of these personality blurbs is a short excerpt from the full descriptions laid out in The Secret Language of Birthdays. In addition to exploring the four elements, the book also looks at the individual zodiac signs, seasons, and even specific birthdays to highlight commonalities and personality traits of each.

Based on data gathered from many sources, The Secret Language of Birthdays is one of the most extensive, in-depth astrology books to date.

Learn about your relationships in The Secret Language of Relationships.

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