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  • Published: 28 April 2020
  • ISBN: 9781760892395
  • Imprint: Puffin
  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 160
  • RRP: $14.99

You Choose 3: Maze of Doom

A brand-new series of interactive novels for the highly adventurous. Read if you dare! Mistakes will cost you dearly!


Master of the maze or eternity in a nightmare labyrinth!

You decide to try the lame-looking Maze of Doom at the fun fair. But once inside, you realise that this is no ordinary amusement. The maze is massive and there are traps and mysterious creatures at every turn. Then you come across an old fortune-telling machine, which predicts an eerie future . . .

Will you discover the maze’s secrets and riches, or will you be trapped inside forever?

  • Published: 28 April 2020
  • ISBN: 9781760892395
  • Imprint: Puffin
  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 160
  • RRP: $14.99

Other books in the series

About the author

George Ivanoff

George Ivanoff is a Melbourne author who’s written more than 100 books for kids and teens, including the middle-grade novel Monster Island, the interactive You Choose series, the non-fiction Survival Guides, the RFDS Adventures and the Other Worlds series.

As a child, George loved reading interactive books, where he got to make decisions about the direction of the story. He has had more fun plotting and writing the You Choose books than pretty much anything else. Writing the Survival Guides has indulged his curiosity, interest in research and desire to learn new things. And writing the RFDS Adventures has opened his eyes to the amazing work done by the Royal Flying Doctor Service. With Monster Island, George got to indulge his childhood fascination for dinosaurs in a rollicking science fiction adventure full of monsters, mushrooms and mysteries.

George’s books and stories have been shortlisted for numerous awards and he’s won two YABBA Awards for his You Choose books.

George drinks too much coffee, eats too much chocolate and watches too much Doctor Who. He has one wife, two children and an uncontrollable imagination.

Also by George Ivanoff

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Praise for You Choose 3: Maze of Doom

Maze of Doom by Gerge Ivanoff was a thrilling read filled with lots of crazy twists and turns. The great thing about this book is that you are able to choose your own story line by finding the answers to questions.

Chelsea Badham, Townsville Bulletin

So glad this format is back on the reading agenda of the young readers in my life.

Barbara Braxton, OZTL_NET
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