- Published: 1 August 2011
- ISBN: 9781446418031
- Imprint: Vintage Digital
- Format: EBook
- Pages: 272
Nothing like Vertigo is likely to be encountered in the course of one's regular reading. One emerges from it shaken, seduced, and deeply impressed
Anita Brookner, Spectator
Where has one heard in English a voice of such confidence and precision, so direct in its expression of feeling, yet so respectfully devoted to "the real"?
Susan Sontag, Times Literary Supplement
Possessed of a richness and strangeness that would put most other writers to shame. Sebald's journey into himself and his past is compelling, puzzling, unique
The Times
As a reader, you find his prose wrapping itself, wraith-like, round your imagination, casting a baffling and indefinable works triumphantly well. The fact that W.G. Sebald chooses to tease, dazzle and mystify should not blind us to the fact that he does the one thing that every novelist should do: he entertains, provokes, stimulates and inspires
Robert McCrum, Observer