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  • Published: 2 July 2018
  • ISBN: 9781743484210
  • Imprint: Penguin eBooks
  • Format: EBook
  • Pages: 464

The Russian Affair

The gripping new international thriller, racing between the US, Russia, Israel and Australia

Russian President Petrov is determined to restore his country’s dominance on the world stage at any price. In order to develop deadlier nuclear weapons, he recruits Ilana Rabinovich, a beautiful but lethal scientist, to infiltrate the Mossad and steal their research. What no one expects is for the Israelis to then assign her an even more dangerous mission of their own: to penetrate the US nuclear facilities in the deserts of Los Alamos.

If the information falls into the wrong hands the results could be devastating. Especially as in the Hindu Kush, ISIS soldiers are also plotting to acquire nuclear weapons. It’s up to CIA agent Curtis O’Connor to stop them before it’s too late. From Russia’s secret nuclear city of Sarov, across the myriad canals of St Petersburg, to an assault on an ancient castle more impenetrable than Colditz, the chase is on.

But with a corrupt Russian general, a femme fatale double agent and a very unpredictable US president waiting in the wings, is it only a matter of time until a war begins?

  • Published: 2 July 2018
  • ISBN: 9781743484210
  • Imprint: Penguin eBooks
  • Format: EBook
  • Pages: 464

About the author

Adrian d'Hage

Adrian d'Hagé was educated at North Sydney Boys High School and the Royal Military College Duntroon (Applied Science). Graduating into the Intelligence Corps, he served as a platoon commander in Vietnam, where he was awarded the Military Cross. His military service included command of an infantry battalion, director of joint operations and head of defence public relations. In 1994 Adrian was made a Member of the Order of Australia. In his last appointment, he headed defence planning for counter terrorism security for the Sydney Olympics, including security against chemical, biological and nuclear threats.

Adrian holds an honours degree in theology, entering as a committed Christian but graduating 'with no fixed religion'. In 2009 he completed a Bachelor of Applied Science (Dean's Award) in oenology or wine chemistry at Charles Sturt University, and he has successfully sat the Austrian Government exams for ski instructor, 'Schilehrer Anwärter'. He is presently a research scholar, tutor and part-time lecturer at the Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies (Middle East and Central Asia) at ANU. His doctorate is entitled 'The Influence of Religion on US Foreign Policy in the Middle East'.

Also by Adrian d'Hage

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