- Published: 15 February 2011
- ISBN: 9781407085708
- Imprint: Vintage Digital
- Format: EBook
- Pages: 672
Tell Me No Lies
Investigative Journalism and its Triumphs
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- Published: 15 February 2011
- ISBN: 9781407085708
- Imprint: Vintage Digital
- Format: EBook
- Pages: 672
A first-rate selection of investigative articles from some of the world's best reporters
A superb anthology
Glasgow Herald
Genuine objective journalism not only gets the facts right, it gets the meaning of events right. It is compelling not only today, but stands the test of time. It is validated not only by 'reliable sources' but by the unfolding of history. It is journalism that ten, twenty, fifty years after the fact still holds up a true and intelligent mirror to events
T.D. Allman
One of the most powerful and upsetting books I have read all year