Puffin Little Environmentalist: Composting
- Published: 2 July 2020
- ISBN: 9781760147723
- Imprint: Penguin eBooks
- Format: EBook
- Pages: 96
This little book left me feeling motivated and well informed to start my own compost heap. It is a terrific practical resource for getting the kids involved in a composting project.
Barbara Swartz, CBCA Reading Time
This would be ideal as a present for young children who wish to help the planet and will provide children and adults alike enough information to have a go at composting.
Pat Pledger, Read Plus
I can’t tell you how impressed I am with these little books. In my experience, quality and contemporary non-fiction for our youngest readers is not always easy to come by and these with their attractive design and clear format are just fantastic additions to your shelves... Carefully explaining the science of composting including concepts such as micro-organisms and the needed components as well as big issue ideas like greenhouse gases, your young activists will jump onto this and be keen to put their new knowledge into transformative action.
Sue Warren, Just So Stories
Learn big skills and fun facts with these three cute new books from Puffin! Puffin Little Environmentalist: Composting is packed with tips to help the planet… Cool!
National Geographic Kids
This little gem tells you not only how to create a compost but how to make it thrive, and it does it all in simple language kids will understand, with step by step instructions that make everything really easy.
Shaye Wardrop, Kids' Book Review
[These] little books in the ‘Puffin Little’ series are just perfect for those children who have an unquenchable curiosity and love regurgitating BIG facts.
Merle Morcom, Good Reading
Little kids can make a big difference, especially when they have the right sort of information. With Little Environmentalist you can learn all about how composting is important for our environment. Find out exactly what goes on in a composting bin and then get your hands dirty creating one. Your garden will love you for it.
Heather Zubek, The West Australian’s ED! Magazine
This stylish little non-fiction set of books is designed for small hands and big curiosities. The first in the series, Little Environmentalist teaches little humans fabulous fun facts about making and implementing change; change that could ultimately help save our planet!
Dimity Powell, Dim's Write Stuff
All three of these books would make an excellent addition to a classroom and have been well put together. They are compact and easily transported for a long ride in the car where you can quiz each other about the fun facts.
Library Geek, Little Big Reads
Young readers will appreciate this series because there has clearly been a lot of thought put into addressing their unique needs as emerging readers as well as tapping into subjects that appeal.
Barbara Braxton, The Bottom Shelf
Little Environmentalist: Composting teaches us all the dos and don’ts of composting and recycling and a how to for cultivating our green thumbs and helping our planet.
James, Blog of Dad