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  • Published: 14 May 2018
  • ISBN: 9780141986791
  • Imprint: Penguin Press
  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 288
  • RRP: $22.99

No Is Not Enough

Defeating the New Shock Politics

The acclaimed No.1 International Bestseller, now in paperback

Remember when it all seemed to be getting better? Before Trump happened?

Naomi Klein, internationally acclaimed journalist, activist and bestselling author, shows us how we got to this surreal and dangerous place, how to stop it getting a lot worse, and how, if we keep our heads, we can make things better. No Is Not Enough reveals, among other things, how Trump's election was not a peaceful transition, but a corporate takeover, one using deliberate shock tactics to generate wave after wave of crises and force through radical policies that will destroy people, the environment, the economy and national security.

This book is the toolkit for shock resistance, showing all of us how we can break Trump's spell and win the world we need. Don't let them get away with it.

  • Published: 14 May 2018
  • ISBN: 9780141986791
  • Imprint: Penguin Press
  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 288
  • RRP: $22.99

About the author

Naomi Klein

Born in Montreal in 1970, Naomi Klein is an award-winning journalist and author of the international bestseller No Logo, which was shortlisted for the Guardian first book award. Translated into twenty-five languages, No Logo was called "a movement bible" and placed Naomi Klein at the vanguard of a new wave of considering globalisation and corporations. In Blank is Beautiful, Klein will once again revolutionize our way of thinking.Naomi Klein writes an internationally syndicated column for the Guardian and her articles appear in numerous publications, including The Nation, The New Statesman, Newsweek International, the New York Times and the Village Voice. A collection of her work, titled Fences and Windows: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Globalization Debate, was published in October 2002. For the past six years, Klein has travelled throughout North America, Asia, Latin America and Europe, tracking the rise of anticorporate activism. She is a frequent media commentator and university guest lecturer and was a Miliband Fellow at the London School of Economics. Her latest book is The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism (Penguin, 2007).

Also by Naomi Klein

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Praise for No Is Not Enough

Naomi is like a great doctor - she can diagnose problems nobody else sees

Alfonso Cuarón

An ordinary person's guide to hope. Read this book

Arundhati Roy

As accessible as it is brilliant, No is Not Enough is an essential blueprint for a worldwide counterattack

Owen Jones

Who better than Naomi to make sense of this madness, and help us find a way out? A top-of-the-stack must read

Michael Stipe

Naomi Klein's new book incites us brilliantly to interweave our No with a programmatic Yes. A manual for emancipation

Yanis Varoufakis

Magnificent ... a courageous coruscating counterspell

Junot Díaz

Urgent, timely, and necessary

Noam Chomsky

Naomi Klein constructs a common story that allows us to sustain the effects of being shocked. We can act upon that, with intelligence and happiness, to recover our world

Gael García Bernal

If you're wondering how Naomi Klein has managed to produce an essential and gripping book so early in the Trump presidency, it's because she's spent her whole intellectual life preparing for just this moment. Trump is the ultimate logo. Every day we watch him try to exploit yet another shock to the system. So this is the book to read - not just the first word on Trump, but in powerful ways the last word as well

Bill McKibben, author of RADIO FREE VERMONT

A genuine page-turner - highly engaging and provocative - and provides a fascinating lens through which we can view our current moment. Klein is not preaching to the choir, but framing the moment, connecting necessary dots, and outlining the challenge that lies ahead in clear terms that anyone can understand

Michelle Alexander, author of THE NEW JIM CROW

No Is Not Enough is the accumulation of years of brilliant and layered analysis applied with lightning precision to an understanding of how we got to Trump, and how we can use this moment to bring about another system and world

Eve Ensler, author of IN THE BODY OF THE WORLD

Naomi Klein has written a compelling book that we all need to read and act on. No Is Not Enough is an essential handbook for all people, especially young people, who want to understand the economic, social, and political forces that produced the current crisis we are facing - and how we can effectively organize to win a better world

Danny Glover, actor

Naomi Klein's new study in shock politics is a warning of the enormous toxic potential of the Trump presidency and a call to oppose it. Refusal needs to turn into resistance

Hari Kunzru, Guardian

A rare thing in political writing: both rousing and profoundly sensible

Laurie Penny, New Statesman

Naomi Klein anatomises the roots of Trump in the already dystopian world of corporate-ruled America and predicts the "end run around democracy". A clear and readable guide to action

Paul Mason, Guardian

Klein moves beyond mere outrage and hand-wringing to offer a practical manifesto for opposition

Financial Times

Like so many of my generation, I've been a reader of Naomi Klein's since the late 90s, always finding something to learn from her rigorous reporting and thoughtful analysis

Ada Colau, mayor of Barcelona
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