Magic Beans: A Handful of Fairytales from the Storybag
- Published: 10 November 2011
- ISBN: 9781448119653
- Imprint: Penguin eBooks
- Format: EBook
- Pages: 448
A bright cover and good sized print are attractive but the irresistible factor is the list of 14 authors . . . Amazing, brilliant and a comparative bargain
The School Librarian
A wonderfully entertaining sampler of 14 great storytellers, who include Anne Fine, Phillip Pullman and Jacqueline Wilson. It's rich retellings range from Aesops Fables to the Little Mermaid
Nicolette Jones, The Sunday Times
All the stories give a fresh and immediate version of the often cruel but funny originals where the darkest sides of human nature are contrasted against innocent honesty; magic intervening first on one side, then the other, until virtue triumphs. Skilful writing from modern storytellers
Tina Massey, Carousel
An entrancing collection of classic fairtyales retold by leading storytellers such as Philip Pullman, Adele Geras, and Malorie Blackman. Elegant line drawings add to the magic
Amanda Craig, The Times
Brims with elegant prose, enchantment, comedy and mischief . . . It's the perfect gift but also a book to squirrel away for yourself and enjoy on a rainy afternoon
Each of the stories in this anthology is a magic bean: a wondrous take that will capture your imagination. Lovingly crafted by some of the finest authors and illustrators in the business . . . these 'magic beans' will delight and thoroughly entertain
Anne Whelton, Maternity Magazine
If you don't have a collection, then Magic Beans: A Handful of Fairytales from the Storybag is as good a place to start as any . . . Even bought as a reference guide to fantastic writers for your kids to explore, it'll be money well spent
Mail on Sunday
Much nicer and more accessible than a traditional keepsake edition, this anthology will actually be read and enjoyed rather than resting on the shelf. The whole clutch of stories is beautifully, clearly written, and adults will relish reading them aloud to children
The Bookbag
Smartly written, the tales can be enjoyed afresh, imbued with a love of words that will no doubt excite and delight your child. The new hardback collection is printed in large type so should be a good first read. It would also make a lovely gift
With comfortable print and decorative embellishments by well-known illustrators, this rich kaleidoscope of stories is a book for keeps
Mary Arrigan, The Irish Examiner
With wonderfully told stories by brilliant writers including Alan Garner, Linda Newbery, Anne Fine, Gillian Cross, Berlie Doherty and Philip Pullman, parents will love it every bit as much as their kids
Daniel Hahn, Independent