- Published: 27 August 2024
- ISBN: 9781506743622
- Imprint: Dark Horse Books
- Format: Hardback
- Pages: 192
- RRP: $54.99
Canto Volume 1: If I Only Had a Heart

- Published: 27 August 2024
- ISBN: 9781506743622
- Imprint: Dark Horse Books
- Format: Hardback
- Pages: 192
- RRP: $54.99
“Canto is not to be missed.”—The Nerdist
“The creative team of Canto has found a way to portray a universe of actual darkness where the ultimate act of heroism is to find a way for a heart to be found.”—Gabriel Rodríguez, co-creator of Locke and Key
“I had admittedly set some rather high expectations but I still wasn’t prepared for how hard this hit me in the feels. To have evoked so much emotion in such a short space of time is no easy feat. I’m not saying this will have you welling up, but if it doesn’t at least stir you, maybe you’ve had your heart replaced too.”—Big Comic Page
“Dark and magical with a glowing heart of gold. If The Wizard of Oz and Labyrinth gave birth to a hero, it would be Canto.”—Delilah S. Dawson (Star Wars: Phasma, Marvel Action: Spider-Man)
“A gorgeously illustrated epic.”—Comic Week
“A comic…steadily creating a modern heroic myth.”—ComicCrusaders
“The next great fantasy epic.”—Comicon.com