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  • Published: 8 October 2015
  • ISBN: 9781473530249
  • Imprint: BBC Digital
  • Format: EBook
  • Pages: 192

Ask Bob

Your Guide to a Wonderful Life

Bob Servant, Hero of Dundee and Bard of Broughty Ferry, has spent ten years answering the problems of his many fans around the world. Finally, after repeated requests, he distills his unique philosophy into one compelling volume of wise advice. No subject is off limits as Bob Servant acts as your unique guide to a truly wonderful life.

Praise for Bob Servant:

'Bob rocks the discotheque. And when the discotheque happens to be in Broughty Ferry, he double rocks it.' - Irvine Welsh

'Bob tells it like it is. And like it isn't. And like it never will be. You'll wet yourself. I did.' - John Niven

'Bob Servant is the funniest thing to happen in books since Spike Milligan.' - Dan Rhodes

BBC TV and Radio's Bob Servant, self-styled 'hero of Dundee', addresses life's problems for you, and offers practical solutions you won't find anywhere else.

  • Published: 8 October 2015
  • ISBN: 9781473530249
  • Imprint: BBC Digital
  • Format: EBook
  • Pages: 192

About the author

Neil Forsyth

Neil Forsyth was born in Glasgow in 1978. He is the author of six previous books including Other People's Money, his biography of teenage fraudster Elliot Castro which has been published in six countries and is currently being developed as a feature film, and the novels Let Them Come Through and San Carlos which were critically acclaimed in both Britain and the United States. His trilogy of Bob Servant humour books have become cult favourites, likened to the absurdist comedy of Peter Cook and Spike Milligan, and have been adapted by Forsyth for both BBC Radio Four and BBC Television in the BAFTA-nominated sitcom Bob Servant. Forsyth currently writes for TV, both in the UK and in the USA where he writes for Dreamworks and Universal Studios. He lives in West Sussex.

Also by Neil Forsyth

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