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Josh Connolly

Josh Connolly

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Josh Connolly is a resilience and wellbeing coach, leading conversations around addiction recovery and dysfunctional family environments. As a certified breathwork practitioner, host of the podcast 115 Miles and founder of the Inner You self-healing programme, Josh's work resonates with people struggling to reconcile the past with the present. Josh is also an ambassador for Nacoa – a national charity supporting people affected by a parent's drinking – and an influential mental health advocate. He has appeared on the BBC, ITV and Channel 5 News, and on programmes such as The Victoria Derbyshire Show, Good Morning Britain and BBC Breakfast.

Books by Josh Connolly

It’s Them, Not You

James Smith meets Gabor Maté in resilience coach Josh Connolly's life-affirming manual on how to confront toxic family dynamics and find emotional freedom.

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