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E.O. Chirovici

E.O. Chirovici

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E. O. Chirovici was born in Transylvania to a Romanian-Hungarian-German family. He made his literary debut with a collection of short stories, and his first novel, The Massacre, sold over 100,000 copies in the Romanian language. He spent years as a journalist, first running a prestigious newspaper and later a major TV station. He has been writing full time since 2013 and currently lives in Brussels.

Books by E.O. Chirovici

The Book of Mirrors


A brutal murder

It’s been thirty years since Professor Weider was found dead in his stately home. With little evidence to convict a suspect, the case has never been solved.

A buried mystery

Now, a partial manuscript has been discovered that reveals three people were at the house that night.

All three clearly remember what happened. But someone is lying…

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