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A.E. Warren is the author of the Tomorrow's Ancestors series, which consists of Subject Twenty-One, The Hidden Base, The Fourth Species and The Final Rising.

After spending eight years working as a lawyer, she began to write in the evenings and early mornings as a form of escapism from life in a very small cubicle with lots of files. She self-published her first novels in her spare time, which were picked up by Del Rey UK which is the science fiction/fantasy imprint of Penguin Random House.

Books by AE Warren

The Final Rising

The stunning conclusion to AE Warren's brilliant TOMORROW'S ANCESTORS series

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The Fourth Species

The third book in AE Warren's brilliant TOMORROW'S ANCESTORS series

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Subject Twenty-One

What if our future lies 40,000 years in our past? Subject Twenty-One is an astonishing debut novel in which a young woman's refusal to accept the status quo opens her eyes to the lies her society is built on.

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