‘She’ll be right.’
Calling all dads – it’s time to level up your advice-giving abilities.
Somehow, when you became a dad, it seemed that you also automatically became a fountain of knowledge. Between your partner and your kids, it can feel like everyone has questions for you . . . All. The. Time.
But what do you do when the well of wisdom runs dry?
That’s where The Aussie Dad’s Book of Sometimes Helpful Responses comes in.
Simply put your hand on the cover, ask your question, flip to a random page and allow the book to answer for you.
In addition to many more gems inside, the book includes ten lines most dads have used at least once.
How many of these have you used?
- ‘Some decisions, like tattoos, are forever.’
- ‘Just have a go.’
- ‘It’s not rocket science, mate.'
- ‘Buggered if I know.’
- ‘You do you.’
- ‘She’ll be right.’
- ‘Let Mum handle it.’
- ‘Life is short.’
- ‘Just get it sorted.’
- ‘You’ve got this.’
Check out the book for more. (Psst. . . this also makes a great Father’s Day gift for the Aussie dads in your life.)
The Aussie Dad’s Book of Sometimes Helpful Responses Anon
Sometimes wise, occasionally funny, wildly hypocritical but always on the money, The Aussie Dad’s Book of Sometimes Helpful Responses puts the right words in your mouth to steer you and your loved ones through life’s thorniest questions and daily dilemmas.
In the bestselling tradition of The Book of Answers comes the full quiver of quips, wisdoms, clichés, casual buck-passing and vintage Australianisms to arm yourself against the barrage of questions from family and mates (and sometimes even yourself, if you need a good talking-to).
Just place your hand on the cover, close your eyes, speak your question to the book, open to any page and - fair dinkum - you'll have your answer! Whether your son's got Buckley's, your daughter's dreamin', your mate needs to wake up to himself or you want your partner to know it's sorted, all the answers to a bloke's world are right between the covers of The Aussie Dad’s Book of Sometimes Helpful Responses.