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  • Published: 1 April 1997
  • ISBN: 9780140266474
  • Imprint: Penguin
  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 528
  • RRP: $29.99

The Penguin Book of More Australian Jokes

This book is to the joke what a telephone directory is to the phone number. No taxi has been left unturned, no dunny wall unread, no pub unvisited in rounding up these funnies. The result is a naughtier, even more notorious volume than the bestselling Penguin Book of Australian Jokes. Of course, you should be reading serious fiction or uplifting works of theology – but if you don't mind feeling thoroughly ashamed of yourself, this is the book for you.

  • Published: 1 April 1997
  • ISBN: 9780140266474
  • Imprint: Penguin
  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 528
  • RRP: $29.99

About the authors

Phillip Adams

It's nudging sixty years since Phillip Adams' by-line first appeared in an Australian newspaper. As an atheist and contrarian, he's been annoying people ever since. Gough Whitlam calls him 'Australia's most perceptive social critic'. Robert Manne says he's 'perhaps the most remarkable broadcaster in this country's history'. As well as lots of books and TV series, Adams' dozen feature films include The Adventures of Barry McKenzie and Don's Party. He has chaired many government bodies, won lots of awards, attracted many enemies and remains hyperactive.

Patrice Newell

Patrice Newell was born in Adelaide. After careers in modelling, journalism and television, she bought a farm in Gundy, New South Wales with her partner Phillip Adams, where she produces biodynamic olive oil, garlic, honey, soap and beef. Her books include Tree to Table, Ten Thousand Acres: A Love Story, a heartfelt call for sustainable land use; The Olive Grove, her bestselling account of leaving the city for life on the land; and The River, a critically acclaimed examination of water-management issues facing rural communities. You can follow the life of Patrice's farm at patricenewell.com.au

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