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  • Published: 8 December 1995
  • ISBN: 9781857157222
  • Imprint: Everyman
  • Format: Hardback
  • Pages: 256
  • RRP: $29.99

Poems And Prose (Donne)

An exciting addition to Everyman's Library: a new series of small, handsome hardcover volumes devoted to the world's classic poets. Our books have twice as many pages as Bloomsbury Classics' 128pp. The binding, paper and production is visibly superior in every way to that of Bloomsbury.

The major seventeenth-century English poet between Shakespeare and Milton, Donne is chiefly celebrated as a love poet. But he was also the author of magnificent satires and epistles, and a series of religious poems including the Holy Sonnets. All these genres are represented in this volume, together with a selection from his prayers, letters and sermons, presenting a complete portrait of a great poet an an extraordinary man.

  • Published: 8 December 1995
  • ISBN: 9781857157222
  • Imprint: Everyman
  • Format: Hardback
  • Pages: 256
  • RRP: $29.99

About the author

John Donne

John Donne was born into a Catholic family in 1572. After a conventional education at Hart Hall, Oxford, and Lincoln's Inn, he took part in the Earl of Essex's expedition to the Azores in 1597. He secretly married Anne More in December 1601, and was imprisoned by her father, Sir George, in the Fleet two months later.

He was ordained priest in January 1615, and proceeded to a Doctorate of Divinity at Cambridge in April of that year. In 1621 he was made Dean of St. Paul's in London, a post which he held until his death in 1631. He is famous for the sermons he preached in his later years as well as for his poems.

Also by John Donne

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