Stephen Strange: herald of Galactus?! When an alien sorcerer demands Stephen’s help saving his far-off planet from being consumed, Galactus the World-Eater ends up banished to the darkest depths of the mystic realms! Now Strange, with his powers depleted, must undertake a rescue mission like never before! Then, a truly terrifying villain works their way into the Marvel Universe via a small house in Kansas, and their impact will be huge! And with his hands healed after so many years of pain, Stephen can return to his old life as a Surgeon Supreme! But, torn between his obligations, which solemn oath will he choose to uphold? Join Stephen Strange, M.D., for a new era of modern medicine, mystic arts…and horror!
COLLECTING: Doctor Strange (2018) 12-20, Doctor Strange Annual (2019) 1, Dr. Strange (2019) 1-6