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  • Published: 20 June 2013
  • ISBN: 9781448153909
  • Imprint: Transworld Digital
  • Format: EBook
  • Pages: 304

Computing with Quantum Cats

From Colossus to Qubits

Pioneering study of the science behind quantum computing and what the new quantum reality will mean for mankind

The quantum computer is no longer the stuff of science fiction. Pioneering physicists are on the brink of unlocking a new quantum universe which provides a better representation of reality than our everyday experiences and common sense ever could. The birth of quantum computers – which, like Schrödinger’s famous ‘dead and alive’ cat, rely on entities like electrons, photons or atoms existing in two states at the same time – is set to turn the computing world on its head.

In his fascinating study of this cutting-edge technology, John Gribbin updates his previous views on the nature of quantum reality, arguing for a universe of many parallel worlds where ‘everything is real’. Looking back to Alan Turing’s work on the Enigma machine and the first electronic computer, Gribbin explains how quantum theory developed to make quantum computers work in practice as well as in principle. He takes us beyond the arena of theoretical physics to explore their practical applications – from machines which learn through ‘intuition’ and trial and error to unhackable laptops and smartphones. And he investigates the potential for this extraordinary science to create a world where communication occurs faster than light and teleportation is possible.

  • Published: 20 June 2013
  • ISBN: 9781448153909
  • Imprint: Transworld Digital
  • Format: EBook
  • Pages: 304

About the author

John Gribbin

John Gribbin gained a PhD from the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge (then under the leadership of Fred Hoyle) before working as a science journalist for Nature and later New Scientist. He is the author of a number of bestselling popular science books, including In Search of Schrödinger's Cat, In Search of the Multiverse, Science: A History and The Universe: A Biography. He is a Visiting Fellow at the University of Sussex and in 2000 was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature.

John Gribbin is one of today's greatest writers of popular science and the author of bestselling books including In Search of Schrodinger's Cat, Stardust, Science: A History, Deep Simplicity and The Fellowship. He is famous to his many fans for making complex ideas simple, and says that his aim in his writing - much of it done with his wife Mary Gribbin - is to share his sense of wonder at the strangeness of the universe with his readers. John Gribbin trained as an astrophysicist at Cambridge University and is currently Visiting Fellow in Astronomy at the University of Sussex. He also enjoys working on science-fiction stories in his spare time, and does most of his writing in a shed in his back garden.

Also by John Gribbin

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Praise for Computing with Quantum Cats

With a readable history of [quantum] theory, and of computers, Gribbin has penned a fascinating, pleasantly mind-boggling and probably quite essential book for non-eggheads.

Weekend Sport

Immensely readable... John Gribbin deftly traverses the peek-a-boo world of electrons and discombobulating possibilities of parallel universes to shed some much-needed light on the imminent technological revolution.

The Times
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