Based on the book and episode, Christmas Swim.
How well do you know Bluey: Christmas Swim? Take the quiz to find out!
- What does Bluey name the toy she gets for Christmas?
- What does it say on the aprons that Nana gives Bandit and Uncle Stripe?
- What shapes are the lilos that Muffin and Socks get for Christmas?
- What does Bartlebee get attacked by in the swimming pool?
- What game do the Heelers play at Christmas in the pool area?
- What part of Bartlebee’s body gets broken by Bandit?
- Who video calls from somewhere tropical on Christmas day?
- Why does Bartlebee want to go home from Christmas?
- What Christmas present does Bingo use to bandage up Bartlebee’s arm?
- Fill in the blank: Bartlebee is having his _________ Heeler Christmas.

1. Bartlebee
2. World's Best Chef
3. An Island with palm tree and a slice of pizza
4. A crocodile
5. Classic catches
6. His arm
7. Uncle Rad and Frisky
8. He says Bluey's family is too rough
9. Her doctor's kit
10. First